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Proofreading is the final stop before formatting and publication and focuses on eliminating any remaining errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Proofreading is NEVER an alternative to the editing process, and manuscripts submitted for proofreading should already have gone through the process of professional editing, ideally more than once.
Proofreading costs $0.008 per word or $800 per 100,000 words.
What is line editing?Line editing is my most popular service. Once you have established a plot, story arc, and characters, it’s time to amplify your story on a sentence-by-sentence basis to ensure that even the most minute details are precisely aligned. Line editing ensures that the red coat that your character was wearing on page 5 is still red on page 10. Line editing also prevents you from erroneously shifting from past to present tense in the middle of the same sentence. Another example of line editing is confirming that the main character in your story always has the same name. The key objective of line editing is to ensure a smooth reading experience for your audience.
When should line editing be done?Once you have a fully completed draft of your manuscript, but prior to copy editing.

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